Saturday, September 17, 2011

Today, I focus my gratitude on Isabella

Today, I focus my gratitude on Isabella 
I am grateful, I am lucky and I am blessed – this I know.  As my first post here with the gratitude list, I won’t list everything I’m grateful for – however, today, I focus my gratitude on Isabella. 
Four years ago on September 18th (tomorrow) Isabella came into my life.  She was fostered by my friend, Linda McCoy’s rescue.  She was so traumatized that she was hardly functioning and Linda made an appointment with me for an Animal Communication phone session.  At the end of the appointment, Linda and I decided that she could use some energy work.  The appointment was set on September 18th and Linda would bring the dog over. 
I’ll never forget what happened as I was getting off the phone….words uttered out of my mouth as if by Divine intervention: “If this dog gets along with my dog, I will be happy to foster her.”  What? 
September 18th came along and here was this terrified beautiful dog.  She let me sit near her, and we began the work.  Afterward, as Linda was getting ready to go, this dog hid in the bathroom.  My dog Olivia and I were grieving the loss of our cat at the time, so here was this dog that was as sad as we were.  I decided not to do anything too special, that I would treat the dog like a cat and see if she would come around.
That night as I was on my computer, a dog laid her head on my lap.  I assumed it was Olivia…..I was stroking the head and realized that those were different ears…..this dog that I had named Isabella had her head on my lap.  I picked up the phone, called Linda and adopted her that minute.
Then the work began.  Oh this was not an easy dog!!!!!!!!!  That’s part of the blessing – she dropped me right into the bend of the learning curve!  Patience had to be in every breath!
Now she is a wonderful amazing gift to my household.  She and Olivia helped raise kittens, she is super fun on walks, I’m grateful for all of the teaching she has offered me whether I was up for the lesson or not!  She is a happy greeter, she is a truly affectionate being, and she is the ongoing larger than life display of love and joy here.  I love her old school physical comedienne style.  I think we should go on a walk now!
Joan Ranquet, Animal Communicator, Speaker & Author of “Communication with all Life, Revelations of an Animal Communicator” -  and Founder of Communication with all Life University.
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There are 3 Authors giving GRATITUDE!

Pretty soon we will be sharing, giving, and celebrating GRATITUDE!